When the Germans rolled into the Sudetenland in 1938 they ensured that they drew the border along the fenceline of the Tatrawerkes in Koprovnice. Ringhoffer-Tatra were a significant industrial concern manufacturing everything from trains, trams, railway rolling stock, trucks, buses, aircraft and agricultural machinery and there were plenty of interested parties keen to gain a controlling stake in this plum asset. Reichminister and head of the Luftwaffe, Hermann Goering, was a notorious extortionist, and used his position at the top of the Nazi food chain to incorporate profitable businesses into his stock company, Reichswerke Hermann Goering AG. Goering AG had been attempted to squeeze the Ringhoffers since the Austrian Anschlus of 1937, which Hanus Ringhoffer resisted as far as he was able. A number of politically influenced court decisions, such as the inexplicable outcome of the patent dispute between Tatra and Josef Ganz, where the court found in favour Ganz despite his obvious use of Tatra patents and penalising Tatra, were used to send a message to the Ringhoffers that they had better play ball. The Ringhoffers got the message and an accommodation was reached with Goering.
No sooner had German troops secured the Sudetenland in 1938 than agents from the Reichswerkes Hermann Goering AG presented themselves at the Tatrawerkes and claimed ownership of the factory. To make their point, the factory was ordered to shut down all vehicle production. The Ringhoffers were forced to recognise the reality of the situation. The Enabling Act of 1933 had abolished private property rights within the Reich and effectively all industries were at the beck and call of the government. Owners could continue to manage their companies as long as they did what they were told; step out of line and you were dispossessed and replaced with someone more amenable.
Due to the tense political situation, Tatra did not attended the 1938 Berlin Motor Show but after the annexation in October 1938, Hanus Ringhoffer joined the Nazi Party - which was a precondition for all industrialists who wanted to retain control of their companies - and allowed the Ringhoffer-Tatra AG to be incorporated into the Reichwerkes Hermann Goering AG. Immediately thereafter the restrictions applied to Tatra were withdrawn. Tatra made a welcome return to Berlin in 1939 where they were described as a Sudeten-German automobile company and all reference to Czechoslovakia was dropped. Now that the company was part of the 'Greater Germany', it was subject to the Schell Plan, which rationlized the manufacturing program of the entire German automobile industry. In 1939 the Czech motoring press reported that the beloved Tatra T57 was approved for production and sale, not only in Bohemia and Moravia (former Czechoslovakian provinces), but in the whole German Reich. The Tatra T87 streamliner and the Tatra T81 six-ton truck also received official approval. All other models, including the Tatra T97 streamliner were withdrawn from production.
"Some time ago, we received the sad news that the Tatra factory had to stop producing the proven and perfectly polished Hadimrsky (the Tatra T57b).
This should have happened as part of the car typification in the empire [this was the Schell plan].
Now we can share the happier news, the intention was not realized, and the factory actually received written permission to produce the Hadimrsky car, not only for Bohemia and Moravia but also for the whole region. The latest Tatra 57 Hadimrsky type has, as is known, an increased cylinder volume to one and a quarter litres, [delivering] an increase in horsepower to 25. In addition, Tatra will produce aerodynamic eight-cylinder cars with the rear engine [Tatra T87] and three-axle trucks of 6 1/2 tons with own engine and own construction. Unfortunately – damn it - the four-cylinder rear engine car won’t be built. That will be of the type [fulfilled by] the upcoming German People's Car KDF."
Sadly, Tatra would not escape Goering's clutches. By 1943, with the escalation to total war, the Reichswerke Hermann Goering forcibly "nationalized" Tatra along with almost all critical German industries. Hans Ledwinka, who had been managing director until 1943 took this opportunity to retire, providing only occasional technical consultancy on special projects. The plundering of Tatra and other businesses by Goering would allow the restored Czechoslovakian government to nationalise the company without taking the interests of the Ringhoffer's into account.
Tatra T57K military version: